Company Overview
Entelechy Recovery Group is a team of dedicated professionals that offer Intervention and Recovery services for individuals and families struggling with addiction and mental health issues. We are a service-based organization that is driven by compassion, professionalism, and responsiveness. Our Interventionists are all Certified with years of professional and personal recovery experience and a diverse skill set of intervention styles and experience. Our approach is driven by meeting families where they are, navigating them through this process with love, compassion, and education.
What does Entelechy mean?
Watch as our co-founder Bruce Lupin explains the meaning behind the name.
The word “entelechy” (pronounced [en-tel-uh-kee]) was coined by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, and means “the expression of one’s full potential”. A good example would be, the entelechy of an acorn is an oak tree, meaning the oak tree is the natural or innate expression of the life force within that acorn.
Entelechy Recovery is based on that guiding principle by helping people access and reach their true potential. The potential that addiction gets in the way of but also serves as the path in which a person can find their authentic self and live a life of purpose and meaning.
We are committed to providing the highest level of service to all of our clients. Our compassion, skills and experience in recovery enables us to help families and their loved one in the grips of addiction move forward into healing.
Entelechy understands the complexities of choosing the best programs and services for our clients. We also believe in maintaining the highest ethical standards and for that reason we have no financial affiliations with any programs or treatment centers. We maintain collegial relationships with treatment partners and invest time in seeking out and learning the best treatment options available. Our referrals are based on clinical appropriateness. Each individual brings a different set of circumstances so we base our recommendations on what is best for the client, the family and their recovery.
We Promise
To put your family's interests first
To be responsive
To be compassionate
To be honest
To be driven by best practices
In this new world of COVD-19 and the simple challenges such as family members unable to easily be in the same location, all of our services are available by phone and online (Zoom).
Entelechy provides care in the following areas: Interventions, Recovery Coaching for individuals and families, Case Management, Treatment Consultation and Placement, and Safe transport.
Your challenges are real. And we are here to help.