Case Management for Maintaining Recovery

A critical component of the recovery process for both the individual and the family is Case Management and Monitoring. When a person enters treatment it not only affects them, but their family as well. A Case Manager is both an advocate for the person in treatment to ensure the best possible care, and for the family by acting as the liaison between the treatment team and the family to ensure a good flow of information about treatment progress. This can continued after treatment as your loved one navigates the next steps of care including sober living or outpatient services.

Legal, financial, and other challenges can be major stumbling blocks for people in recovery. We support clients in dealing with those challenges so they can thrive in early recovery. The Case Manager can also support the individual in recovery and the family through weekly calls and as necessary when things come up.

Most relapses happen within the first 6 months after leaving treatment. Monitoring services plays an important part of providing accountability to the person leaving treatment and moving on to their next steps in the recovery process. Monitoring services can include scheduled and random drug testing, documentation of attendance at a 12 Step or other group support meetings, daily email check-ins, and weekly phone calls. This allows both the client and the sober support staff to understand how the person is doing and what additional recovery support services they need to remain clean of drugs or alcohol.