Helping Your Family Heal

Often, when we first speak with families the primary focus and concern is on the person who is addicted. We often hear, “If only this person would get control of their life everything would be fine. Everyone is just tired of the drama and crisis!” But evidence shows that addiction is a family illness and that the whole family needs recovery and healing.

We treat not only the person struggling with addiction, but the entire family system through our family addiction coaching. Through in-person meetings (if local) or weekly calls, we provide family addiction education and its impact within the family system. This includes helping families see the underlying dynamics that are supporting the addiction cycle.

Our coaching process helps families set the boundaries needed to help the addicted person take responsibility for his or her own recovery, and take the action needed to support recovery and healing for the whole family. In addition to our coaches holding weekly calls with families, they’re also available as problems or challenges arise.