We can support your family

The Coached Intervention is for families who are motivated to do an intervention and have some knowledge or experience with addiction, treatment, and recovery. The Coached intervention is an assisted/supported model or for those situations where having an Intervention professional present may not be appropriate or possible. Communication and consultations with the family is done by phone and online using Zoom.

Services included in our Coached Intervention:

  1. Unify the family and create an intervention team

  2. Family education on addiction, enabling, and boundaries

  3. Treatment Assessment and Recommendations

  4. Educate the family on the intervention process

  5. Prepare family for intervention day

  6. Coaching and support up to intervention

  7. Post intervention debrief and recommendations for next steps

    NOTE: Entelechy Recovery can arrange and provide safe transport for the person of concern to treatment at an additional cost.