Entelechy Recovery Group

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It's Never too Early For Intervention

When it comes to addiction, timing is crucial. Many people with addiction don't recognize the severity of their problem, and they may not seek help until they hit rock bottom. However, waiting until someone hits rock bottom can be dangerous and even deadly. That's why early intervention is key to overcoming addiction before it's too late.

Here are some reasons why having an intervention early is important:

Prevent addiction from taking hold

Studies show that individuals who begin using drugs or alcohol before the age of 15 are six times more likely to develop addiction than those who start after the age of 21. Intervening early can help prevent addiction from taking hold.

Improved treatment outcomes

Research has shown that individuals who enter treatment earlier have better outcomes than those who delay seeking help. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment found that individuals who received early intervention services were more likely to complete treatment successfully.

“What many families try to communicate but fail to realize is there’s an alternative language to speak when speaking to an addict. We see families trying to communicate and all that comes out in the ears of the listener is, (to quote the show Snoopy), wah wa wa wa. We speak fluid addiction and recovery and do 1:1 coaching so you can too.” – Ken Sieczkowski  Partner, Entelechy Recovery Group.

Saved Lives 

Overdose deaths have increased dramatically in recent years, and early intervention can help prevent these tragic outcomes. A study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found that individuals who received early intervention services were less likely to die from an overdose.

Early intervention can reduce healthcare costs: Substance abuse and addiction cost the US economy more than $740 billion annually. By intervening early and preventing addiction from becoming severe, we can help reduce healthcare costs and improve economic outcomes.

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, don't wait to seek help. Contact an intervention company like Entelechy Recovery for a free consultation to learn more about how early intervention can make a difference in achieving long-term recovery.