Remembering Our Loved Ones on International Overdose Awareness Day


Today is International Overdose Awareness Day.

It’s a day for people around the world to unite in our determination to prevent overdose, to remember our loved ones who have been lost, to be conscious of the grief of those left behind, and to end the stigma of drug use and addiction.

Most of us in long-term recovery have unfortunately lost close friends due to overdoses. The impact of their loss cements the impact of the gift of recovery that we have received.

The International Overdose Awareness Day website has a tribute wall and beautiful instagram page to pay homage to our lost loved ones. Feel free to participate today as you reflect and honor the memory of those who are no longer with us. We’re thinking of you and empathize with your pain.

Days like today are an opportunity for us to reflect on why we are here, and why we at Entelechy Recovery do our best to help as many people as possible with interventions and recovery services. We are blessed with the gift of recovery, and united by our desire to share that with the world.

International Overdose Awareness Day spreads the message about the tragedy of drug overdose death, and that drug overdose is preventable. Please reach out if you have a loved one in need of help. We’d love to be there for you and your loved ones.

With Love,

Ken and Bruce

Bruce Lupin