Report on The Latest CDC Overdose Data - What Can We Do to Reverse the Tides

We’re saddened to read the latest CDC data released this month on drug overdose deaths for 2020. There’s not much else to say about 2020 other than it was a difficult year from every angle. We did our best to help as many people as we could last year, so it is always tough to read about the family members that we were unable to save.

The data shows a 30% year over year increase in drug overdose deaths. There were more than 93,000 deaths from drug overdoses in 2020. It was the highest number of recorded overdose deaths ever reported by the CDC. With a close eye on how the year was going, we knew that it was not a good year. But it still hurts to read what we know are not just numbers, not just statistics, but real families and friends that are dealing with the loss of a loved one.

"These data are chilling. The COVID-19 pandemic created a devastating collision of health crises in America," said Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Unfortunately, we know that we are not out of the woods yet. There is still a health crisis ongoing, and we’re hearing from so many families dealing with addiction crises of their own while attempting to balance with the ongoing pandemic.

While the pandemic is adding to the difficulties of helping loved ones struggling with addiction and mental health issues, there are many other reasons we’ve heard as barriers to fully committing to do anything it takes to get a loved one to accept help and into treatment. From cost, difficulties with setting and holding boundaries, to finding quality treatment options, we’re here to have that conversation with you, and we know it’s not an easy one.

Our approach is to always use a love and compassion when working with families to save their loved one. We’ll take the time to have an in depth conversation with anyone that calls about all the options available. The family solution is love, but it also takes courage to help someone you love get their life back on track. “Entelechy” means “the realization of potential”, and we’d love to be a part of that journey for your loved one and family. . .

Having one of our professional interventionists work with your family to come up with the best approach for everyone involved has never been more important. We know it’s not an easy situation, and that’s why having a professional on your side who has been there many times before can put your mind more at ease.

At the very least, please have the courage to have a conversation with us. Tell us what you and your loved one is dealing with, and you’ll hear compassion from us as we’ve heard from many families over the last 30 years.

We’re committed to the work that it will take to reverse the data trends that are already telling a sad story about 2021. One loved one at a time.

With love and service,

Bruce and Ken

Bruce Lupin